Therapeutic Massage uses a massage table
and the work is usually done directly on the skin using unscented, hypoallergenic massage cream. The techniques I use range from very deep and treatment-oriented to more gentle and general. Each session is different depending on the client’s needs. My therapeutic massage helps integrate the mind, body and spirit of the client. Movement, stretches and client breathing patterns guide my work in releasing muscles and holding patterns.
I offer specific treatment work with the jaw and TMJ. Many clients are very tight in this area due to stress and structural issues. Intraoral work is extremely helpful and makes a big difference in very little time. It also helps with neck pain and headaches.
Polarity Therapy is a comprehensive energy-based practice that includes bodywork, coaching and exercises. The underlying philosophy of polarity therapy is that our bodies have the capability of healing themselves. It works to re-ignite the ease of movement within our nervous system. Polarity works as a mirror to show clients their current state through their body sensations and allows the client to then make a conscious choice if they would like to continue along this course or alter it. Polarity therapy encourages the body’s natural healing to overcome discomfort and disease, achieve health and well-being and encourage greater movement and flexibility in every aspect our lives.